The Merchant of Venice


1. Portia - an heiress of belmont

2. Nerissa - her waiting-gentlewoman

3. Balthazar - servants to Portia

4. Stephano - servants to Portia

5. Prince Of Morocco - suitors to Portia

6. Prince of Arragon - suitors to Portia

7. Antonio - a merchant of venice

8. Bassanio - a Venetian gentleman, suitor to Portia

9. Solanio - companions of Antonio and Bassanio

10. Salarino - companions of Antonio and Bassanio

11. Gratiano - companions of Antonio and Bassanio

12. Lorenzo - companions of Antonio and Bassanio

13. Leonardo - servant to Bassanio

14. Shylock - a Jewish moneylender in Venice

15. Jessica - his daughter

16. Tubal - another Jewish moneylender

17. Lancelot Gobbo - servant to Shylock and later to Bassanio

18. Old Gobbo - Lancelet's Father

19. Salerio - a messenger from Venice

20. Jailer

21. Duke of Venice

22. Magnificoes of Venice

23. Servants

24. Attendants and followers

25. Messenger

26. Musicians

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